One of a Kind
15″H x 10″L x 10″W
I have a deep love for animals and birds. The rare combination of a bristlecone pine root wrapped around a lichen-covered alpine rock inspired me to create this truly special, one of a kind sculpture. Capturing the essence and movement of the nuthatches and incorporating them into the natural flow of the wood was the biggest challenge. It also took great concentration and patience to reflect how they attach themselves, moving up and around the branches and capturing the beauty of their curved lines. Selected for the 2009 Colorado Gold Exhibit at the Wildlife Experience Museum; Parker, CO and juried into the 2011 Artists for Conservation, The Art of Conservation Exhibition; Vancouver, BC. “The Gathering” was featured in Southwest Art Magazine editors, 2009 Sculpture of the Rockies publication.
Photos by Mel Schockner
Price: Artist Collection